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The big black Tahoe had been signaling to get into my freeway lane for a mile. Though I waved him over, he didn't make the move. Finally, he turned off his blinker and I began to pull up into the space between my car and the car ahead. As I did, the Tahoe recklessly jerked into my lane. I had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting him.

On the back of his vehicle were many bumper stickers, and signs. Some of them read: NRA!, Ducks Unlimited, My Son can beat up your Honor Student, Honk if you want to get shot, and Support Planned Parenthood. There was also a Christian fish logo with a cross. The confusion of America was detailed on the back of that big black Tahoe.

Traveling during the morning rush hour traffic in Houston is dangerous. Not only do you have to dodge crazy drivers from Minnesota, but the sun is perfectly placed to blind your vision. It requires full alert status to avoid accidents. I do not text, email, or eat burritos while driving. But on this Black Tahoe day, I quickly turned the radio on to try to calm down. As I scowled at the Black Tahoe, the Christian radio station began playing "Little Flowers" by Danny Lee and the Children of Truth. In seconds I was transported back to the mid-seventies and our Monthly Jesus Music Concerts in Wisconsin.

These events were held in our church gym and attracted hundreds of teens from the upscale suburbs and the Milwaukee streets. The electric atmosphere contained a mixture of Fabergé Tigress cologne, basketball sweat, and fresh weed. The various bands included Honeytree, Petra, Barry McGuire, Archers, Larry Norman, Cherie`, Randy Stonehill, Randy Matthews, Gamble Folk, Degarmo and Key, John Fischer, and the Ozaukee County Jam Band. The youth sat on the floor or danced on the sides. It was always a party for Jesus.

Those were great days for me. We saw hundreds of teens saved and brought into the Kingdom. We received both acclaim and rebuke from the religious community. Even some church deacons were upset with our "disgusting rock" music, and the "dead-head streeters" that showed up. The local religious station condemned our music as satanic and said it would never last. They felt that Christian music should never have drums and electric bass. But God changed lives any way.

It is amazing how one song on the radio can take you back 40 years. By the time I got back to 2016, the black Tahoe was long gone and I had missed my exit. But the memories were great and well worth the inconvenience. I encourage you today to take a trip down memory lane. Maybe start at a point where God answered an important prayer years ago, and let the joy sweep over you anew. The Love of God is always fresh!

P.S. I can hardly wait until they play “Bullfrogs and Butterflies” by Barry McGuire!


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