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You can tell it is Autumn in Houston because the temperature dips below 76 degrees in the morning. This is a wonderful time of the year with pumpkin patches, Fall Festivals, and Valentines crafts on sale at Hobby Lobby.

Do you remember the wonderful Autumn parties we had as kids featuring cook outs, hay rides, corn husking contest, bobbing for apples, potato sack races, pumpkin seed spittin’, face painting on pumpkins, stuffing scarecrows, scavenger hunts, and campfire singing. And the food was amazing like hobo stew, pumpkin pie, hot apple cider, apple fritters, caramel apples, popcorn balls, hotdogs, burgers and chips.

Little did I know that imminent danger lurked while I was stuffing my face. Our hard-working government food patrol recently reported that most of our party treats could be dangerous to our health:

  • Apple cider can easily become contaminated with Shigo toxin-producing E. coli bacteria.

  • Hot dogs and burgers cooked over charcoal can produce cancer causing carcinogens

  • Canned products like pumpkin can contain Clostridium botulinum (botulism)

  • Caramel apples may contain L. monocytogenes that can cause listeria

  • Respiratory diseases can be passed in the water when we bob for apples

  • Moldy hay and corn husking can produce Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis leading to lung disease

And of course we all know the perils of potato sack races and popcorn balls!

In a world where the Supreme Court legalizes gross perversions, and ISIS is exterminating Christians, we are warned to avoid hot dogs and caramel apples. Somehow leadership has gotten really mixed up. Wrong has become right. Right has become wrong. Worse yet, they turn our heads away from obvious atrocities that do happen, to frighten people about things that rarely happen. What about things that are destroying our past, ruining our children, and wrecking our civilization?

While the Presidential Candidates discuss global warming, animal rights, bilingual education, and medical marijuana, our nation is being destroyed by organized evil. The real discussion should be “How do we bring a Holy Ghost, hand-clapping, knee-slapping, demon-chasing, life-changing, sin-destroying, God-fearing revival of righteousness to our declining nation?” Saving our nation from God’s wrath is far more important than saving us from carcinogens and moldy hay. Agree?

So pass me some more hot cider and apple fritters as I read Psalm 2:10-12 NLT, “Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth! Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God’s Royal Son, or He will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities—for His anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in Him!”

PS. Pray before you eat! Comments?

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