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The other day I read an article by Lisa Rapaport which stated: “By age two most kids can navigate touch screens.” She also quoted pediatric researcher Deirdre Murray as saying, “Traditional play in toddlers is changing rapidly, and touchscreens are becoming the most frequently used ‘toy’ for many children!” That means that two year olds are using cell phones, iPads, and Kindles.

I am still trying to figure out my iPad. Maybe a Toddler can help me? This amazing technology is still new to the world, and was first made available in 2010. Can you imagine handing this expensive piece of space-age technology to a two year old? Next they will want to operate our gesture controlled 85-inch Direct-View LCD Compatible 8K Ultra High Definition television!

When I was a kid, the most technical toys I had was Play Doh and Tinker Toys. My much older brother had all the complicated stuff like Lincoln Logs, Legos, a slinky, Silly Putty, and a genuine Whamo Hula Hoop.

I mentioned the article on two year olds using iPads to a friend of mine and asked him if it was irresponsible of parents to let these babies use such advanced equipment. He reminded me that it does not compare to some of the irresponsible gifts that were being given back when I was a kid. To mention a few:

  1. The Little Deb toy oven that actually heated up and could cook a frog!

  2. The toy electric iron that heated up to 250 degrees!

  3. The Gilbert Chemistry set with bottled ingredients that were dangerous (and poisonous), and had some chemicals that could be used to make a homemade bomb!

  4. The Atomic Energy Lab with radioactive components like uranium and radium, and a Geiger counter to measure your "glow!"

Now those were irresponsible toys! Can you imagine them being advertised on TV today? The Department of Homeland Security would probably arrest any parent who gave them to their kids. So parents, please forgive me for questioning your decision to let your two year old use your Kindle. It absolutely beats the Atomic Energy Lab complete with Geiger counter.

My prayer is that every parent will have the wisdom of God as they rear their children in these days of the technological revolution. I salute you and pray for you often!

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5 ESV)

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