Whatever God has ever done, He can do now, for you!
A few weeks ago, we were visiting a church in another city. To start the service, the pastor stepped to the microphone and said, “Good morning. It is so good to have you in the service today. I want you to know that God can do anything! In fact, anything God has ever done, He can do now. Anything God has ever done anywhere, He can do here. Anything God has ever done for anyone, He can do for you.” Later, I found out this was a quote by A. W. Tozer.
This compelling and thought-provoking statement has stuck with me ever since. Having been a pastor, I know that every service is a one-of-a-kind spiritual workshop. The components of each service can never be duplicated. From the attendees, to the music, to the sermon, it will never happen again in the same manner. Knowing this truth, makes the pastor humble, sober, and prayerful that the Spirit of God will move in a special and unique manner.
Each service, the congregation represents various needs. Some people are looking for God’s Will in their life. Others may be grieving over a loss, while another group is celebrating a victory. Often, there are sick people in the congregation. They find it difficult to be upbeat and positive when they are in pain. A church service combines the young and old, the successful and unsuccessful, the bound and the released, into one group of worshipers. How in the world can one pastor meet the appeals of such a varied group?
Only God can make sense out of this amalgamation of needy souls. That’s why the Scriptures must be preached. The Bible presents something for everybody. How sad if the pastor takes his message from The American Journal of Medicine, Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, Politico, or Psychology Today. ONLY the Bible has answers to the problems that people face. 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
Read this quote by Tozer again, “Anything God has ever done, He can do now. Anything God has ever done anywhere, He can do here. Anything God has ever done for anyone, He can do for you.” Someone needs to hear this awesome declaration today. So, answer the following questions by saying, “He can do it again, now, here, and for you!”
Has God ever healed anyone?
Has God ever set anyone free from addictions?
Has God ever brought lost souls to Salvation?
Ok, now you try it. Think of something God has ever done, and realize that He can do it again, now, here, and for you! Mark 10:27 ESV, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”