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Broken Hearts

It’s a new year! I pray that your dreams will come true, and that you will experience much joy throughout 2018. May everything in your house function correctly, drain completely, and close without squeaking.

Funny (but true) story. The other day, my honeydew list included cleaning out our dryer vent. We had heard horror stories about lint accumulating and causing a fire. So, I stopped at my nationally acclaimed home improvement store to buy a dryer vent cleaning kit.

As I entered the store, there were numerous signs assuring me that they were the best resource for “do it yourself” (DIY) projects. Other signs welcomed me to ask the DIY experts who had years of experience. It was obvious that they could guide me as I repaired my home. How wonderful to have all of these DIY specialists together in one store.

During a stop in the men’s room, I noticed that several toilets were blocked off with yellow tape, and a large sign prohibited me from using them. Actually, only one of them worked, and two of the sinks were blocked as well. All of the yellow tape reminded me of a gruesome crime scene.

As I went back to shop, it occurred to me that if the toilets would work anyplace, they should be working in a home improvement store! Why didn’t the DIY experts go to work on their own broken restroom facilities?

Most of us have broken things at our house. It could be a gate, or a faucet, or a window. You have probably learned that unless you fix it now, it will not fix itself. It will just get worse and cause bigger problems.

But there are worse things to have than broken appliances in the home. When someone has a broken home, or a broken heart, that is a major problem. There is nothing in a home improvement store that will repair a broken dream. Many people live in desperation because their plans fell through or someone walked out on them.

King David suffer a broken heart on several occasions. Having King Saul try to kill him at least three times was very discouraging. Then, the death of his close friend Jonathan was a life-long blow. Not to mention the sorrow of losing his son by Bathsheba.

But David did not let these disappointments destroy his life. As a man with a broken heart, he became “a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22). It was David who said, “God heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3). He went on to say, “The Lord is close to them that have a broken heart” (Psalm 34:18). David knew all about broken dreams, broken promises, broken homes, and broken hearts. Yet, he allowed each bitter experience to bring him closer to God.

As you begin the New Year, determine to let each experience of sorrow, make you better not bitter. It is a choice of the will. When your heart is broken, pursue the heart of God.

From another viewpoint, consider this prayer of Robert Pierce, “Dear Lord, let my heart be broken with the things that break your heart.” Now that is the broken heart with promise.

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