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Moral Outrage

"Moral outrage” used to be a church word. Good morals used to be based in God's Word. As an example, the writer of Psalm 119 explained how to live a moral life: “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:9). Indeed, the Bible is the Book on all things moral.

But in 2019, the terms “moral outrage” and “moral crisis” have been uttered from the mouths of people from all sides of the political debate. Do they understand what “moral” really means?

Recently, a well-known Hollywood actor was speaking at a global warming/climate change seminar and said, “It’s up to you and me to act now to face the greatest moral crisis of our time.” In his mind, whatever is happening to the environment is a moral issue that goes beyond smoky tailpipes and discarded drinking straws.

You may also remember that a leader in the House of Representatives called the border wall immoral. And then there was another politician who said that “a system that allows billionaires to coexist with poverty is immoral.” These folks need to study a bit more before they pontificate on a subject that is much deeper than their shallow opinions.

Bible believers know that immorality involves sins against God and His Holy Word. The Ten Commandments contain God’s holy law of morality, and we should live by them. Which begs the question, how can someone “morally” support the abortion of innocent babies and the destruction of Biblical marriage, while calling a border wall immoral? What source is being used to define “moral“?

In Communist Marxism (Das Kapital), being moral defines the struggle of the working-class against the people of wealth. To the Marxist, no matter how decent the wealthy are, they are “immoral” as long as the poor working-class struggles.

“Ethical Socialism” seeks equality of everyone at all costs. For them to be “moral,” is to forsake all personal freedoms for the cause of parity, even if that makes everyone uniformly destitute, proportionately disadvantaged, and equivalently despondent. It was John Furedy who warned us that this kind of unacceptable thinking leads to “velvet totalitarianism.”

To the Christian, being “moral” is to live a life that is consistent with God’s righteous precepts as given in the Bible. We are not to be bound by anti-Scriptural legislation that robs us of our freedom to serve, honor, and worship God. Living moral lives means to “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16).

Further, we must “get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent, and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” (James 1:21 NIV) You see, living according to the Word of God is the only way to achieve a life of moral substance. Anything else is empty rhetoric.

Is there a “moral crisis”? Yes! Too many people are hiding behind a false definition of righteousness. Should Christians be “morally outraged” at the constant drumbeat of corruptive discourse? Absolutely. It is time to hear the voice of God in the human conversation. Let us speak boldly the Word of Truth, and live in a manner that testifies about our holy God.

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