49 Years of Pure Bliss!
It was on Saturday May 1, 1971, that Sue and I were married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When Sue walked down the aisle, I thought I would explode with joy. Her beauty radiated like an angel from Heaven. Still does.
Our wedding had all the traditional elements like music, flowers, candles, attendants, and guests. Oh, and we had lots of preachers. They were all anxious to help me tie the knot and to kibitz. In fact, all of my groomsmen and ushers, except Sue’s brother Warren, were preachers. And two other preachers conducted the service, just to be sure I got it right.
My best man preacher brother drove the get-away car from the reception. After switching to my car and saying our goodbyes, Sue and I drove to our favorite restaurant near Holy Hill. It was such a relief to decompress after the months of planning and preparation for the big day.
We finished our day in the honeymoon suite of a historic downtown hotel. The next morning it snowed as we left for our trip through Canada to Niagara Falls. Yes, we are that traditional couple who honeymooned in Niagara Falls.
Now, 49 years later, we are still madly in love. It has been quite a ride. I am so grateful to Sue for putting up with me. I’m different. But we figured it all out without lawyers or police providing remedial intervention.
Sue is the perfect wife, mother, and grandmother. With loving discipline, she reared our two daughters to love God and to be responsible adults. Our daughters married equally incredible men who have built strong homes and a secure future. With five grandchildren to love, Sue stays busy baking, sewing, and praying for their various adventures.
This is what a Biblical home looks like. It’s not perfect, but it operates under the principles of God’s Word. I still remember the minister quoting Genesis 2:24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Indeed, God has miraculously taken two and made a new one.
An elderly widower, who lost his wife of many years, told me that you cannot fully understand the magnitude of “one flesh” until you suffer the pain of the death of your spouse. I believe that.
For my part, I did not quite understand the meaning of “till death do us part.” Death? I was not thinking about death, I was giddy about life. Now, 49 years later, the words come back to mind. Sue and I are one. To lose my spouse through death would be devastating.
Therefore, I am doing two things:
First, I am praying for Sue to remain healthy and well.
Second, I am praying for the Rapture so we can avoid the messy details.
Poem: Happy 49th Anniversary, Sue. I love you more now than when I said “I do.”