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Christmas is for ALL PEOPLE!

As you celebrate Christmas 2021, please read again the Greatest Story ever told as presented in the Gospel of Luke. Jesus came to earth under the authority of God, and He fulfilled every aspect of His calling.

There are many powerful truths in the Christmas story, but one specific facet comes to mind. Consider Luke 2:10 NASB, “And so the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people.’”

When the angels suddenly appeared, they knew that the shepherds would be afraid. So, they began their message with the words “Do not be afraid.” Indeed, anytime a mortal man meets the supernatural, it would likely cause fear. And yet, the world of the supernatural swirls around us all the time. True Believers know about the supernatural and have determine to live close to Jesus through prayer and Bible reading.

Then the angels said: “I bring you good news.” Their message was good news for those who were trapped in bondage to sin and the works of the Devil. But God remembered mankind even though they had forgotten Him. As mankind sank into wickedness and despair, God, in His loving mercy and Grace, sent His only Son to bring hope and Salvation. Jesus was, and remains, the answer to every need we have. Rejoice!

The angels also said, “Of great joy.” The shepherds lived in a dismal world. The only joy they knew was corrupted amusement. But there is a true joy that Christ brings that is “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8)! Jesus said in John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.”

Then, the angel spoke the most awesome truth: “Which shall be for all the people.” Of course, this was not good news for wicked King Herod, or the chief priests, or the Scribes, or the Pharisees. Their response to Jesus was to kill Him. Jesus had invaded their territory and He must be stopped.

But the message of the angels was glorious news and a life-saving revelation for those that were dominated by wicked political tyrants and demon-inspired religious bullies. The birth of Jesus shattered the hold of Satan over the earth and proved that God was in control.

Further, this message was not just for the shepherds. The Good News of the Birth of Christ was for “All the people!” And that comprises Jews and Gentiles, male and female! “All the people” includes all races, genders, nationalities, and ethnic groups. If you are a living human, the message of the birth of Christ is for you – NOW and forever!

“Joy to the world the Lord has come, let earth receive her King!”


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