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GOD & TEXAS: Saving the Alamo

Some historians have called the Alamo the “Cradle of Texas liberty.” It was first established in East Texas and was later moved to San Antonio around 1719, and named the Mission del San Antonio de Valero.

By 1836, the Alamo church and convent were surrounded by walls that were eight feet high, and two and a half feet in breadth. It was built to house 1,000 men plus animals and supplies. But even with almost 200 fighters, Col. William Barret Travis could not protect such a vast structure against the thousands of Mexican soldiers led by Gen. Santa Anna.

After the vicious battle, the Alamo and surrounding buildings were in ruins, and the area was soon neglected by local residents. In 1849, the Army moved into it, and as they cleaned up the rubble, they found several bodies of valiant fighters that had escaped the post-battle funeral pyre.

The Army moved out permanently after the Civil War, and the Alamo had a series of occupants that used this historic area to warehouse animals, pile trash, and grocery supplies. One tenant had his name painted on the Alamo exterior wall and hung hog carcasses in the cool, dark interior of the old stone church. By 1890, a city police substation was built against the southwest external wall of the church.

Finally, in 1903, school teacher Adina de Zavala and philanthropist Clara Driscoll took the initiative to save the Alamo and to restore its’ honor. In 1905, Gov. Samuel Lanham signed a resolution to preserve the Alamo as a sacred memorial to the heroes who sacrificed themselves on that hallowed ground.

Further, the Daughters of the Republic of Texas served as caretakers of the Alamo with the intention to remodel, restoring it to its former glory. When you visit the Alamo today, breathe a prayer of thanks to Clara Driscoll, Adina de Zavala, and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas for daring to rescue the neglected fortress from further desecration.

Neglect can be a death sentence. Something that has great promise, will likely deteriorate under careless abandonment. It is as true with historic buildings, as it is with our spiritual life. When a person neglects their relationship with God, their spiritual life deteriorates like the old Alamo did. Unless something is intentionally done to restore it to honored status, it will be lost.

It was Nehemiah who saw that Children of Israel had neglected God when he said, “Why is the House of the Lord forsaken (Nehemiah13:11)?" When Jesus walked on earth, He reprimanded the religious leaders for majoring on minors when they had neglected to teach the entire Word of God (Matthew 23:23). The Apostles had neglected the widows (Acts 6:1-4), and Paul charged us to “not neglect the spiritual gift that is within you” (1 Timothy 4:14).

The Alamo stands as a once-neglected treasure that was rescued by love. If your spiritual life has been neglected, revive your love for God and seek him today.

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To purchase the book GOD and TEXAS by David G. Rose please visit


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