Texas History: Loafers Glory!

Loafers Glory, Texas – Salute! Present population zero!
But there was a time when hundreds of people would come from all around Williamson County to visit Loafers Glory. Let’s reminisce.
You may laugh at the name, but there is actually another town named Loafers Glory in North Carolina. The name was given to it because local farmers would bring their corn to the grist mill, and then hang out and talk the rest of the day.
Loafers Glory, Texas, is located in the northwestern corner of Williamson County, off present US 183 at the intersection of county roads 202 and 207. At one time, there was a frame building there, but now it’s just cleared land with a Texas historical marker that reads:
“Loafer's Glory Apostolic Church was organized in 1908 after Wesleyan Holiness preacher George Sutton conducted a revival at Loafer's Glory School on Wilson Atwood's farm. Beginning in 1909, evangelist Fred Lohmann served as minister and conducted tent revivals that drew hundreds of people. A small frame sanctuary was erected about 1910 on land donated by Jim Moore, who led the congregation until his death in 1917. Many ministers and missionaries originated from Loafer's Glory Church, which continued services under several leaders until 1930. (1994)”
And this church was not quiet or lethargic. The revival that happened here sent shock waves around the world. Many ministers and missionaries found their callings under powerful Wesleyan Holiness preachers like George Sutton, Fred R. Lohmann, and Clinton H. Cornelius.
One of many converts at Loafers Glory Apostolic Church who later became preachers was Waymon DeWitt (Dee) Taylor. He was saved at the age of 18 at the church in 1912. When Waymon told his father that he wanted to be a preacher, his dad threatened to put him in jail, but later bought him a Bible. Waymon held his first revival at the age of 19 and went on to preach until he died at the age of 102. He also composed over 150 Gospel songs.
Jesus taught in Matthew 7:18-20 NKJV, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.” The church at Loafers Glory produced anointed and precious fruit. Time has proven their worth.
In my earlier life, I had the privilege of knowing some of the descendants of the founders of the Loafers Glory church. Families like the Atwoods and the Balls continue the anointed ministry their parents knew. One generation passing the faith on to the next generation.
Loafers Glory Apostolic Church was just one of many powerful churches that have kept Texas as a center of Christianity. It is part of the heritage of faith passed along from one generation to the next as Psalm 145:5 (NIV) says, “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” May it ever be so.